If you have just installed new asphalt in your driveway, you’ve likely wondered how to keep it looking its best. Here are some simple tips to help you maintain your new asphalt driveway: Power washing, filling potholes, sealing your driveway, and avoiding driving on it while it’s still wet. Also, remember that asphalt is a soft substance, and it’s prone to damage during its first 24 hours.

Power Washing

The first step to maintaining your asphalt is power washing. This process will remove stubborn stains, loose paint, and other debris. Power washing is also useful in removing chewing gum, mud, and other debris from your driveway and other areas. You can use power washing to remove these deposits and help remove any stubborn dirt. Power washing is one of the best ways to get the job done right.

Filling Potholes

When applying an asphalt patch to a new road, be sure to use a pothole tamper. This will compact the patch material and help level the road. For potholes that are deep enough, you can use a gravel or sand mixture. Filling larger potholes with asphalt mixture will require an overfill of one to two inches. You’ll need to apply a second coat of asphalt after applying the first patch layer.


If you recently installed a new driveway on your property, you may wonder if you should seal coat it. The answer to this question depends on your preference and the time of year. However, summertime is ideal for sealing your new driveway because the temperature is warm, and the seal coat dries fast. In addition, warm weather means the asphalt will have less humidity, which helps the seal coat dry more quickly. If you plan to seal your new asphalt driveway during the winter, you should plan your work to take advantage of warmer weather because it takes 48 to 72 hours for the process to fully cure.

Avoiding Driving on It While It’s Still Curing

Paving companies recommend that motorists not drive on newly laid asphalt for 24 hours to ensure a long-lasting asphalt surface. After that time, they recommend that motorists not drive on the new asphalt for another five days. But if the weather isn’t humid or hot, driving on the freshly resurfaced asphalt is okay within two or three hours. Asphalt has not fully cured during this time, but it’s hard enough for vehicle travel. However, you should avoid driving heavy machinery on the newly cured asphalt. In addition, steer clear of making sharp turns at high speed, which can cause damage to the new asphalt surface.

Repairing Cracks

One of the best ways to maintain the durability of new asphalt is to keep it clean and well-maintained. Asphalt has unique challenges depending on its location, weather conditions, and sub-base underneath. 

While you may not have to worry about cracking immediately, it’s crucial to identify the cracking early. It could save you from the expense and inconvenience of repairing the entire surface. To keep your asphalt looking as good as new, get in touch with the professionals at Bortolo and Sons, with over 50 years of providing professional asphalt paving in BC. Call today at (604) 298-8775.